Salem Love Psychic

The Salem Love Psychic

On The Radio

A Loving Heart

A Young Lady asks about Love.

Dream House illustration

Rev. Barbara answers questions on career and buying a house. Plus a Round Table discussion on revealing too much in a reading.

Past Life victorian gentleman

A Discussion on meeting people from your past life.

Past Life victorian gentleman

Rev. Barbara talks about Salem MA during Halloween.

American Flag

Predictions on Trump.

Dollar Sign engraving

Answers for a small business woman.

Old Flag

Rev. Barbara on Trump's election and Universal Change.

Whirling Dervish

Rev. Barbara on the power of Hope.


How to talk to your Angels.

I forgive you written on a piece of paper in ones hand

Rev. Barbara talks to a young Man about Self Love and codependency.

A Loving Heart

A Man asks if he should return from retirement.

A Loving Heart

A Young Lady asks about Love.


In The News

Psychic Cop book cover


Read how Chuck Bergman the author of Psychic Cop explains his experience with Rev. Barbara after he had premonitions of a plane crash in Florida.
Click Here.


Time Magazine Cover


Rev. Barbara Discusses the New Rise in Psychics in Salem, MA in Time Magazine.
Click Here.


New York Times Logo


Here she is talking in the New York Times.

Click Here.



Cupid and hearts

Psychic Readings

Channeled readings from Spirit answering your questions on love, family, and career.


Contact those from beyond. Private readings and group Seances.


In person in my home parlor with a cup of tea. Also available on the phone and video conferencing.


Call or email us to set up an appointment.
