Salem Love Psychic

The Salem Love Psychic

Reverend Barbara Szafranski is a gifted reader, teacher, lecturer, and spiritual counselor. Rev. Szafranski has been studying metaphysics for over 45 years under established spiritual readers and psychics such as Dr. Earl Myer, Rev. Phyllis Ryder, and Rev. Ida Donadio.

Barbara Szafranski is a Reverend in the society of Melchizedek, Sanctuary of the Beloved, a member in the Society Bridge to Freedom, the Rosicrucian Order, the Martinis Order, and the Winged Disk. In the field of healing, she is a Reiki Master, Magnified Healer, and Energy Worker.

As an experienced reader and skilled lecturer, Rev. Szafranski offers her healing practices and spiritual readings to help guide you in a positive direction.

Rev. Szafranski offers a wide variety of psychic services. These include love readings, classes, love and kindness meditations, and workshops.

The Salem Love Psychic always brings the light and love from the Angels into your readings. To guide you toward your ultimate place in life with regards to your spiritual, physical, and mental aspirations. Let her help you on your journey to the Bliss!

Listen to Rev. Barbara on the Radio and Read about her in the News.


Cupid and hearts

Psychic Readings

Channeled readings from Spirit answering your questions on love, family, and career.


Contact those from beyond. Private readings and group Seances.


In person in my home parlor with a cup of tea. Also available on the phone and video conferencing.


Call or email us to set up an appointment.
